Delwar Hossain founder of JNIB |
My Info:
My name is Md. Delwar Hossain. I am currently Studied at Bangladesh National University in B.Sc department .
I am a simple man. I love my Parents so much. I love all people and love to help any poor man. I Also want to be a Peaceful and a honest man.
Now working at:
- YouTube
- Blogger
- Fivver
- Rapidworkers
My Life History :
At first, I am a village boy. My country village natural is very nice and so romantic. But village life and her people are not more educated. More than people are illiterate. In illiterate situation I study in Bangladesh National University at B,Sc department. My father and Mother are especially thanks full for educated me. He loved me so much and chance to me study. My family earning is very poor. Our not have any land but my father work so more hard and earn money for our family. Now I am 22 years old. I should work in any jobs. But I can't work . My father still work hard. Her age minimum 57 years. But he still more hard work for me and my family maintain.
Some time I Weeping at Secluded place there are no people for my father and mother working. In this age my father should rest. But country rule are very bad. Here not allow to talent student. If you are not talent and not more educated but Government give jobs for money. For this reason here my and our poor boy did not have any chance to government jobs.
Now I am study in Honors (pass course) final year. Beside study I work in a Telecom & Studio for monthly payment system. My monthly Salary is 5,000/- taka only. I can't give more money for my family. My life is a very simple man life, I earn 5,000/- money in a month but I spend money so few. Just monthly spend 2,000/- and other money I give my family and Applying for study.
Beside working in studio I also teaching private some student in my home at every morning time. I everyday work more than 16 hours.My working time rution are -
- 6.00 am to 8.00 am ( teaching student )
- 8.00 am to 9.00 am ( Bath and eating )
- 9.00 am to 9.00 pm ( Work in Studio, here work in computer and fotocopy )
- 9.00 pm to 10.00 pm ( Fresh and eating)
- 10.00 pm to 12.00 am ( Working online, Especially work in youtube video)
- Then sleeping................................ 6hours ( only)
In studio I work all online application fill up and All other work. Many people are told me tell what job news are available now and when publish any jobs. Then I think to create a website there I post all job news. I post job news for helping people to find jobs.
In work Studio At the free time I post job news in My Website .YES! this my website. Here you can find any jobs of Bangladesh. All type jobs are available here . You can easily find Government jobs, NGO jobs, Bank jobs, Non- Government jobs, Teacher vacancy jobs, company jobs or other jobs.
Feature Post:
Coming soon-------
Feature Post:
Coming soon-------
- Update All Government Job notice
- Cricket News
- Admission news
- Football news
- Suggestion PSC/EBT/JDC/JSC
- Educational and General knowledge tips.
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